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Courses are available on a full-time or part-time basis to suit the demands of your lifestyle. You will be able to access our cutting-edge teaching materials at your desk and on the go.
Each form needs to be sent to :
The University is committed to providing a fair and equitable admissions process to all applicants
We recognise and welcome the fact that our students come from a variety of backgrounds. The overriding principles in determining a candidate’s suitability for admission to the programme are that there is reasonable expectation that he/she:
1. Has the motivation to succeed.
2. Will benefit from the programme.
Your English knowledge needs to be sufficient to use study materials, including books, video and audio, and communicate effectively with your fellow students, your tutor and the University staff. This means achieving a standard or a Modest level of English.
In order for our team to assess your level of English language and provide you with feedback, you will need to complete the tests below,
Should you not reach the minimum requirement for the language tests, the deposit for the course will not be refunded.
For students hoping to study a Research Masters, your application will be contingent on our team of professors having the capacity to take you on and guide you through your topic of choice.
At Management International University we value our staff members and students. Student and staff enjoy sponsorships, rewards and a supportive working and studying environment. MIU offers a professional and friendly service to help students balance personal and study commitments. We adopt a compassionate approach across the board regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, race and creed.
We offer MIU students a flexible approach, and in return we expect you to show your passion for education and self-improvement by completing your academic programme.
As a student or a staff member you will be entering in a contract. We want you to get benefit from MIU’s dedicated, innovative and sustainable training and research environment. You will be working to improve yourself as well as support others by contributing through course activities, creating content, research and communication with your peers. The contract will simply stipulate the various roles and obligations you will take on.
MIU system has designed as a deposit scheme. The fee structure for the enrollment fee and the deposit have been calculated using a purchasing parity index taking into account the strains of global financial exclusion.
MIU Deposit Scheme creates a legitimate relationship between the University and a student to be transparent about our standards and expectations from students in return for the educational and research services they access at MIU including both on-line and physical facilities as well as resources. The purpose of offering a deposit agreement to our students is to manage students’ study expectations the University and clarify both parties’ roles and responsibilities. The deposit will be on top a small enrollment fee, this will be returned to you after the completion of your programme at the MIU. We.
As a not for profit organisation we ask that you take seriously the decision to embark in our programmes. Many establishments around the world do not, for multiple reasons, provide the same content in the way in which we do, so every place we can offer we hope gets an inch closer to reducing the educational attainment gap. If at any point you are not able to meet MIU standards, our welfare officer is here to support you. You will be expected to get into contact with the welfare team before making any decisions to withdraw from any of our programmes. Failure to contact welfare officers before withdrawing from our programmes will result in the loss of your course deposit.
Even if you are not thinking about leaving us, but wish to discuss any course related STRESS, we are here for you. We are abiding by the Health and Safety Executive set by the UK government, STRESS Standards:
∙ Demands – this includes your workload, work patterns and the work environment.
∙ Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work or research
∙ Support – this includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the university, line management, colleagues, students and administrative staff
∙ Relationships – this includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour
∙ Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles
∙ Change – how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated within the university and level of inclusion.
If the university fails to meet these standards at an appropriate level, please contact us so we can work with you to rectify these issues and make the university and environment you feel comfortable in.
For more please send an email to